Info: Annual, height about 60 - 80 cm. Magnificent, red flower panicles that are overhanging. The blooming period can last up to 8 weeks. For group plantings and for cutting, also for drying.
Care: Sow 0.5 cm deep, lightly press and keep moist. When seedlings are large enough, transplant into 8 - 12 cm pots and continue to cultivate at 18 - 20°C. Plant in larger pots or outdoors in a sunny location in humus-rich soil from early June to mid-July. Sensitive to frost.
Tip: Cut stems are particularly durable when harvested fully developed.
Sowing: March - mid-April indoors, mid-April - May outdoors.
Germination: 6 - 14 days at 21 - 24°C
Bloom: July - August