Tomato Fertilizer 1kg
This organic-mineral complete fertilizer is ideal for fruit vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and zucchinis.
- Higher yields through increased fruit set
- Tasty, healthy fruits
- Suitable for organic farming
The release of nutrients adapted to growth over time ensures uniform growth and resilient plants. The increased potassium content improves the firmness of the plants and fruits and promotes sugar storage. This fertilizer is suitable for both potted or container plants and for open ground cultivation.
On average, about 2 tomato plants are planted per m². With the initial fertilization for planting in March/April with 80-100 g/m², you supply 2 tomato plants for about 6 weeks. After that, you should start additional liquid - preferably organic - fertilization, for example with Beckmann IM GARTEN Vegetable and Herb Fertilizer, or additional fertilization with this tomato fertilizer at about 80 g/m². Tomatoes need a sunny location and nutrient-rich, humus-rich soil; cucumbers, pumpkins, and zucchinis need the same amounts of fertilizer for planting and additional fertilizing, while peppers, eggplants, and melons require about 70-90 g/m² and additional fertilization with about 70-80 g/m². Spread the fertilizer and then work it well into the soil. Ensure sufficient moisture in the days following fertilization.
1 heaping tablespoon is approximately 20 g of fertilizer
Product information:
Country of production: Germany
Organic NPK fertilizer 6+4+6.5
Using: plant-based materials from food production, agriculture, and processing industry, potassium sulfate from vinasse production, soft phosphate
6.0% total nitrogen (N)
4.0% total phosphate (P2O5)
6.5% total potassium oxide (K2O)
Raw materials: 80% plant-based materials from food production, agriculture, and processing industry, potassium sulfate from vinasse production, soft phosphate, contains vinasse for dust binding - low in chloride
Secondary components: 3.2% water-soluble sulfur (S), 72.0% organic substance rated as loss on ignition
Proper storage and application:
Store cool and dry, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children and pets. Do not let fertilizer enter wastewater or water bodies. If stored properly, this fertilizer can be kept for years without quality degradation. Use remaining amounts as intended. Do not mix with feedstuffs.
For fertilization in home and small gardens. Official advice recommendations take precedence. Water green areas, ornamental lawns, sports lawns, etc. after application, work into other areas. Timing: for new planting or additional fertilization in spring and after harvest. During the first growing season, a large part of the total nitrogen content is released. The rest becomes available to plants over the next years through microbial conversion.
After application, thoroughly wash hands and any skin areas that came into contact with the fertilizer. During storage, transport, and application, take necessary precautions to avoid uptake by farm animals.